Summer 2014 fashion trend:Crop top

Crop top, summer 2014 fashion trend
And what’s with the crop top?, You’re wondering. Well as you probably gather to see the images that lead our article, is a very sexy top that encourages us to teach belly button.

Today we present exemplary flair hit with celebrities and It Girls, and you’re going to see a lot this summer worldwide. A garment that we recovered in our closet, because the crop top trend already has a few years.

With denim garments and sports

Seeing this style, I can not help thinking of the series and American movies, where actors wore this garment with jeans shorts, Converse and sports lumberjack plaid shirt type. And as a backdrop, the beaches of California. Ring a bell? Well, now it’s up to us. Let’s teach navel!

Crop top, summer 2014 fashion trend

The sun, high temperatures, the beach, the summer terraces … All during the summer season encourages us to cut our garments. How about if we start to do it on our tops?

The crop top perfectly with denim clothes, especially jeans and jeans shorts. But neither Miss mini skirts and hippie-inspired version. And for the feet? Bet on Victoria comfortable slippers, Converse, Roman sandals or a Hawaiian fresh.

For evening also

A trend that returns this summer with a vengeance, but never really gone. But best of all is that the crop top you can look for our daily looks, as both the most sophisticated environments. The celebrities show us how.

Crop top, summer 2014 fashion trend

So record the ideas that we propose looks at the images that accompany our article, and get ready to make style, teaching navel. And you, what other looks you recommend?

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